Senin, 23 Mei 2011

Scholarships Essays Graduate Student in Mathematics

Scholarships Essays Students will work on an interdisciplinary project on the study of quantum scattering and the conductivity in graphene material super novel that aims for a better understanding of the relationship between microscopic properties of this material and macroscopic characteristics observed. This Scholarships Essays project will be conducted in close collaboration with Igor Zozoulenko (ITN) Duties consist of graduate study and teaching tutorials at most 20 percent of total employment time.Linköping University requires knowledge and experience of women and men .. Therefore the university welcomes applications from both women and men to all kinds of positions.Scholarships Essays Because most graduate students in mathematics were male, the priority for this position will be given to female applicants if qualifications are equal.

How to Apply: Post

Scholarship Application Deadline: no later than 03/06/2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

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